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Next.js Advanced Config

How Highlight captures Next.js errors
Page RouterApp Router
API ErrorsPageRouterHighlightAppRouterHighlight
SSR Errorspages/_error.tsxapp/error.tsx
Client<HighlightInit /><HighlightInit />
Edge runtimeEdgeHighlightEdgeHighlight

Our Next.js SDK gives you access to frontend session replays and server-side monitoring, all-in-one.

  • On the frontend, the <HighlightInit/> component sets up client-side session replays.
  • On the backend, the PageRouterHighlight wrapper exported from @highlight-run/next/server captures server-side errors and logs from Page Router API endpoints.
  • On the backend, the AppRouterHighlight wrapper exported from @highlight-run/next/app-router captures errors and logs from App Router API endpoints.
  • The EdgeHighlight wrapper exported from @highlight-run/next/server captures server-side errors and logs from both Page and App Router endpoints using Vercel's Edge runtime.
  • Use pages/_error.tsx and app/error.tsx to forward Page Router and App Router SSR errors from the client to Highlight.
  • The withHighlightConfig configuration wrapper automatically proxies Highlight data to bypass ad-blockers and uploads source maps so your frontend errors include stack traces to your source code.
How Highlight captures Next.js logs

<HighlightInit /> captures front-end logs.

PageRouterHighlight and AppRouterHighlight capture server-side logs in traditional server runtimes. These wrappers typically fail in serverless runtimes (including Vercel), because we cannot guarantee that the serverless process will stay alive long enough to send all log data to Highlight.

Configure logging for your serverless cloud provider using one of our cloud provider logging guides, including Vercel Log Drain for Highlight.

Tracing Auto-instrumentation

Open Telemetry auto-instrumentation supports a wide array of packages.

Follow the Open Telemetry Instrumentation Initialization guide to initialize any of these supported library and framework..

Custom Tracing Spans

The Next.js Open Telemetry docs have some tips and patterns for using custom spans.

We went ahead and exposed H.startActiveSpan from @highlight-run/next/server to automatically integrate into our Next.js SDK. Wrap your API endpoints as always, then kick off spans as needed. Each span will be wrapped under a custom Highlight span that tracks session and request data, automatically tying your custom spans into the broader request context that Highlight is already tracking.

Here's a quick example:

// pages/api/page-router-trace.ts import { NextApiRequest, NextApiResponse } from 'next' import { withPageRouterHighlight } from '@/app/_utils/page-router-highlight.config' import { H } from '@highlight-run/next/server' export default withPageRouterHighlight(async function handler( req: NextApiRequest, res: NextApiResponse, ) { return new Promise<void>(async (resolve) => { const span = await H.startActiveSpan('page-router-span', {})'Here: /pages/api/page-router-trace.ts ⌚⌚⌚') res.send(`Trace sent! Check out this random number: ${Math.random()}`) span.end() resolve() }) })
// app/api/app-router-trace/route.ts import { NextRequest, NextResponse } from 'next/server' import { withAppRouterHighlight } from '@/app/_utils/app-router-highlight.config' import { H } from '@highlight-run/next/server' export const GET = withAppRouterHighlight(async function GET( request: NextRequest, ) { return new Promise(async (resolve) => { const span = await H.startActiveSpan('app-router-span', {})'Here: /pages/api/app-router-trace/route.ts ⏰⏰⏰') span.end() resolve(new Response('Success: /api/app-router-trace')) }) })
Environment variables

This section is extra opinionated about Next.js constants. It's not for everyone. We like how zod and TypeScript work together to validate process.env inputs... but this is a suggestion. Do your own thing and replace our imports (import { CONSTANTS } from 'src/constants') with your own!

  • Install Zod: npm install zod
  • Edit .env to add your projectID to NEXT_PUBLIC_HIGHLIGHT_PROJECT_ID
  • Feed your environment variables into the application with a constants file. We're using zod for this example, because it creates a validated, typed CONSTANTS object that plays nicely with TypeScript.
// constants.ts import { z } from 'zod'; // Must assign NEXT_PUBLIC_* env vars to a variable to force Next to inline them const publicEnv = { NEXT_PUBLIC_HIGHLIGHT_PROJECT_ID: process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_HIGHLIGHT_PROJECT_ID, }; export const CONSTANTS = z .object({ NEXT_PUBLIC_HIGHLIGHT_PROJECT_ID: z.string(), }) .parse(publicEnv);
Vercel Log Drain

Install our Vercel + Highlight Integration to enable Vercel Log Drain on your project.

Our API wrappers automatically send logs to Highlight in all runtime environments, but Vercel shuts down its Node.js and Edge processes so quickly that log messages are often lost.

Vercel Log Drain is a reliable way to capture those logs.

Next.js plugin

Proxy your front-end Highlight calls by adding withHighlightConfig to your next.config. Frontend session recording and error capture data will be piped through your domain on /highlight-events to sneak Highlight network traffic past ad-blockers.

The following example demonstrates both private source maps and the request proxy. withHighlightConfig does not require a second argument if you are only using the request proxy.

Request proxy only
// next.config.js const { withHighlightConfig } = require('@highlight-run/next/config') /** @type {import('next').NextConfig} */ const nextConfig = { experimental: { serverComponentsExternalPackages: ['@highlight-run/node'], }, productionBrowserSourceMaps: true, // optionally ship source maps to production } module.exports = withHighlightConfig(nextConfig)
Private source maps + request proxy
  • Get your Highlight API key from your project settings. You can also enable the Highlight + Vercel integration to inject HIGHLIGHT_SOURCEMAP_UPLOAD_API_KEY directly into your Vercel environment.

  • Verify that HIGHLIGHT_SOURCEMAP_UPLOAD_API_KEY=<apiKey> is set in your environment variables--try .env.local for testing purposes--or pass apiKey in as an optional argument to withHighlightConfig.

  • Ensure that productionBrowserSourceMaps is either false or omitted.

  • Wrap your nextConfig with withHighlightConfig. apiKey is unnecessary if you have HIGHLIGHT_SOURCEMAP_UPLOAD_API_KEY in your environment variables.

  • Run npm run build && npm run start to test. Your logs should show files uploading like so:

Uploaded /root/dev/highlight/next-test/.next/server/pages/index.js
// next.config.js const { withHighlightConfig } = require('@highlight-run/next/config') /** @type {import('next').NextConfig} */ const nextConfig = { experimental: { serverComponentsExternalPackages: ['@highlight-run/node'], }, productionBrowserSourceMaps: false, } module.exports = withHighlightConfig(nextConfig, { apiKey: '<API KEY>', uploadSourceMaps: true, })
Configure inlineImages

We use a package called rrweb to record web sessions. rrweb supports inlining images into sessions to improve replay accuracy, so that images that are only available from your local network can be saved; however, the inlined images can cause CORS issues in some situations.

We currently default inlineImages to true on localhost. Explicitly set inlineImages={false} if you run into trouble loading images on your page while Highlight is running. This will degrade tracking on localhost and other domains that are inaccessible to

Configure tracingOrigins and networkRecording

See Fullstack Mapping for details on how to associate your back-end errors to client sessions.